#they're all a mess
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msburgundy · 1 year ago
having a protein shake might fix carrie
it certainly can't hurt, she should at least try
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chainsawmascara · 1 year ago
Playing durge is truly incredible. My problematic nature seduces everyone, it seems. Even wyll was into two of my durges. I'm not going to try and understand that one. Getting the unlimited romance mod is a fantastic test of "how unhinged can i be before you stop crushing on me?" Incredibly unhinged. A creature the victorians would refer to as foul and contemptible. A being who leaves behind a cage with the hinges ripped off entirely. Someone who's never met a hinge in his life. Their attraction to problematic people rivals mine entirely. Frankly, it's made me even more concerned for their mental health. That really is saying something. I love this entire cast of fools with no sense of self-preservation. They're like vagrant children corralled by the literal child of bhaal.
This game is a masterpiece.
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royalhouseofcarrington · 4 years ago
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Nimben Palace, Earlier That Morning
Elissa: Richard?
Richard: Yes? 
Elissa: Are you alright? 
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Richard: My oldest sister is dead, ‘Lissa. Dead. Like she’s not coming back. 
Elissa: I know. That’s why I’m asking if you’re alright. 
Richard: How can I possibly be alright? I remember when Izzy was born and now I won’t see her until Watcher knows when. 
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Elissa: Rich, I know that you’re hurting. Really, I do. But you can’t deny how your niece and nephews are hurting. They’ve just lost their mother. Your mom just lost her daughter. Your sisters lost a sibling, just the same as you.
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Richard: Why are you always right? 
Elissa: Sometimes I just take guesses that happen to be right. Is there anything you need me to do? 
Richard: Just.. just stay with me. 
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zutalorsihavemissedone · 4 years ago
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Sloppy Crue
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countingfailuresnotstars · 4 years ago
should I post some autistic Matteo hc's that I've written in the past year?
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mvncesa · 4 years ago
@dahliakeys​​ / continued 
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The band had gone through several names just within the last year- The number simply rose when one considered how long the band had been a thing. “Punk, I guess? Our vibe is cool garage rats.” Said as if that was a common thing people said.
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teatitty · 5 years ago
Da Vinci is just as stupid as Romani and Merlin btw she’s the idiot who drinks a cocktail of energy drinks “for science” and then immediately gets ill from it
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nova-cryptid · 5 years ago
Daydreams Excerpt
Three teens were walking through a cavern. It was dark and their footsteps echoed. This part of the mine had been abandoned years ago. It was said to be haunted now. A mousy haired teen led the group. A flash light in his hands. 
“David,” the tall boy sped up so as to be on David’s right. “Are you sure you know where we’re going?” 
The mousy one rolled his eyes. “Of course I know where we’re going. I told you, I’ve been down here dozens of times!” 
“It just seems like we’re lost. We’ve been wandering around for hours!”
Finally the third member, Lily, spoke up. She was short with long auburn hair tied up in a braid. “Calm down Case, I’m sure he knows where we’re going.” 
“It’s Charles!” The tall boy whipped his head around to glare at her. “God! You’ve known me for two weeks! How hard is it to remember my name?” 
Though it was hard to see, Lily had an apologetic smile. “Sorry… You know how hard makes are for me.” 
“Both of you shut it! We’re almost there” 
And they were, only a few minutes later they entered into a semi circular room. Thick wooden beams held up the ceiling, and on the wall was a graffiti painting of a crudely drawn humanoid figure. Except it was out of proportions. With hands going down almost to its knees and its neck to long. But the biggest difference was the broken halo and wings. It was also brightly colored and parts of it seemed to be floating separate from the body
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“Seriously? This is what we came to see?” Charles huffed, understandably upset considering they had been walking for two hours now. 
“No, this is part of it!” David stopped before the drawing and swung around to face them. The flashlight bobbed and jerked. Flashing across Lily’s eyes, blinding her momentarily. 
“My brother told me about this old legend. You know, the one about the fallen angel, fey creatures in the mines. He also said you can summon one by saying it’s name three times and saying yours once, and that if you can summon them, they’ll answer one question from each person.” 
Lily blinked and looked at the graffiti. 
“Yeah!” David 
Charles huffed. “This is so fake. That sounds like some rip off of Bloody Mary, and the graffiti looks more like some wannabe artist game down here. It’s not exactly horror movie material.” 
“You just sit out then. You’re obviously to chicken to join me!” David was smirking as he spoke. 
“No! Fine I’ll do it. We don’t even know any of the their names.” 
“No, but their race should work just fine. Now, who wants to go first?” 
Lily swayed side to side. Excitement evident on every part of her face. “I will!” It was obvious this was just a game to her.
She moved over to stand in front of the drawing. “Fey, Fey,Fey, Lily.” She stepped back to let David have a go. 
The mousy boy puffed his chest up and practically shouted, “Fey, Fey, Fey, David!” The flashlight bobbed as he turned to Charles. “You’re turn” 
Charles sighed but moved over to stand in front of the drawing anyway. “…Fey, Fey, Fey, Charles.” 
Nothing happened. Seconds stretched into minutes and David’s flash light flickered but nothing else happened. 
“Well, that was a bust. Let’s get out of here. I’ve still got homework to do.” Charles walked off, David and Lily close behind. 
“Maybe next time.” Lily smiled at her friend.
“Really though, this did sound pretty fake.” 
The three friends left the caves. 
None of them noticed the sound of claws on stone or the deep growl when they left. They were all too focused on their petty little lives.
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emile-hides · 6 years ago
This is a stupid question to ask, but what age is all the OCs in that asylum story you guys have?
Augh why do I know Jared’s sister’s second husband but don’t know his age???
Time to wing it.
Original Character Boi’s here
Olli’s 19
Jared’s 27-ish?
Doris Says she’s 24
Dissonant’s been 16 for 5 years
RR’s 23-25
Metronome’s age is unknown but he’s in adolescents
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deliriumbubbles · 6 years ago
"If I had someone who had been through the same thing as me and reacted with “COOL” instead “WTF WHAT AM I” then I would feel less comforted and more horribly alone." Finally someone says it! This is how depression works, ppl! "ADHD treatment for Hank, and anxiety and depression treatment for Dean." THIS TOO.
Both of these dear boyshad it so bad and turned out surprisingly well despite it, but Hank seems tohave absorbed more toxic masculity than Dean. Or Hank acts like his movieheroes without thinking, while Dean internalizes it.
I think Rusty isseverely depressed, also. If he wasnt so socially-emotionally damaged, he couldbe the one who finally tells Dean what he needs to hear: DEPRESSION FUCKING SUCKS.
They have done pretty well up until now, all things consider, but both of them are spiraling. Hank can’t get his life started. Dean is as twisted up as he’s ever been, but hiding it more from his family.I feel for the boys. They’re like that gif of Rusty and Malcom, and they’re both falling... But instead of grabbing onto each other and falling to safety, they drift apart and continue flailing. They have so much to deal with and none of the tools to do it.
Dean does internalize alot. This may be why he seems generally tame and sweet and then does shit likedrop the F-bomb on someone or try to slap them to death (or write them a check to fuck off) when his patience finally runs out.
I think Rusty has straight up bipolar I and this past season, he’s been going through a manicphase. He was definitely in a depressive phase during parts of Brock’s absence. I don’t think it explains everything (such as his selfishness and fuzzy morals), but he worries me because he’s been self-medicated for most of his adulthood and I don’t know what he’s doing now that the diet pills and therapy are out. If he didn’t have the self-awareness of a tomato, I think he’d easily recognize the problems the boys are having because, wow, yeah, you lived ‘em, buddy. And you already recognize some of it in Hank. I keep waiting for them to progress Rusty the way they have other characters, but I suppose it’s either that hardcore denial instinct of his telling him they’ll be okay, or he’s once again too wrapped up in his own issues to notice what they need.
He must have been a LITTLE better at this when they were babies, right?? They wouldn’t have done as well if their only contact were with Helper and the occasional lice check from Brock. It’s easier to imagine him dealing with them when they were small because he didn’t have to actually talk to them. He could just sing acapella prog rock to them if they cried, let Helper change diapers, and narrate his experiments out loud since they’re babies and didn’t understand anyway but would appreciate hearing his voice?
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idlenight · 7 years ago
it’s so painful to see everybody fail to communicate with Futaba, it’s not that hard u idiots hot damn.
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skillzyo · 7 years ago
Why does anyone refer to Jason Scott as 'The Mom Friend'?
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mojavescr1pt · 7 years ago
i must know the Go West Gang's favourite foods/items to consume
finch: fruit! canned or from the vine are both fine by him
metz: fresh bread. oh my god he loves fresh bread so much
esther: alcohol, mostly fruit wines
oz: alcohol, all of it
holmes: she cant stand most of the food in Nowhere but she’ll take canned fish when she can get it. most surviving caned goods make her depressed, and most non-caned goods make her wanna vom. she can’t win
per-c: she can’t eat but because of a pre-End prank naturalist-bot-wide software update she has the inexplicable desire to eat a fuck ton of macaroni. also the running gag of the group (that’s began to actualize itself into real desire) is that she desperately wants a sandwich
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realkaijuhavecurves · 8 years ago
It’s hard being the only person in my family with some semblance of sense
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vesperlionheart · 8 years ago
Me: tries to write a short drabble for fun, it's nothing major, just a micro fic
My brain: But you know what we could do instead?
My sinful hand: Turns drabble into the start of another novel
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dirbyjuliaducournau · 8 years ago
im like,, slightly disgusted by all the dabbing exo is doing
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